Sunday, January 18, 2009


I think from now on, I'm gonna start taking Sundays as a time to be a little more personal on my blog. Granted, I love all you that come to my blog to see what's dope in my opinion. But at the same time, I don't wanna shy away from me, which is what sets my blog apart from others... I don't know, maybe I took inspiration from BenBetter's very articulate "State Of The Union" post about staying true to one's self. Not gonna lie, that shit got me thinking about a lot of stuff. Anyways, I figure I'd start this off by writing about something that has been in my life since Now before you start making preconceived notions about what I'm goin to expound upon, just take some time and read this...and as always: Thank You and You're Welcome.

Music has always played a pivotal role in my life...


Before I started to become involved in this world of blogging, before the radio show, before the Cazal frames, before Burn Rubber, before my views on fashion, before the many pairs of sneakers in my arsenal, before observing peoples' poor fashion senses, before the switching of my majors, before my knowledge of Hip-Hop, before my facial hair started coming in, before college, before seriously looking at what I wanna do with the rest of life....

there was jazz.

Some of you all may not even know this about me. It's cool. I don't really tell a lot of people unless it happens to come up in conversation from time to time. But you have to understand what jazz had blessed me with. Because of jazz, I was able to not get into the evils that the 'hood brings upon many black youth, I was able to play with jazz legends (no name-drops), I toured Europe in the summers of 2004 and 2005, placing in numerous National competitions, "and a bunch of other more shit" (c) MF Doom... all that might have you wondering what made me not necessarily stop, but take a hiatus from it. The answer to that is a mixture of things which I'll probably discuss at a later time. Anyways, that's about it. I don't wanna "spill my guts" to whoever reads this. LOL, if it seemed like I did, well, oh well...there'll be more to come


  1. i have always loved jazz music...great to know you were heavily involved with it...always stay tru to yaself cause if u dont know u then who will....

  2. nice blog man
    yo check this out

    flying above tokyo...
