Tuesday, October 7, 2008


In my opinion, the "Answer" was thee dopest Iverson sneaker ever...probably because they were inspired by the Jordan XI...y'all see it, don't front. Does anybody remember first putting these on, and it seriously felt like there were springs in those joints???


  1. dude, we must be thinking on the same brain wave...i was going to post about iverson today...i was watching his first rookie game against the bucks, his 99 playoff debut series against Penny and the Orlando Magic, and then i was watching montages of him...

    dude is like my hero...number 2 on my all-time player list. Also, the answer 2's were dope as shit too

  2. not a blogger but, i do appreciate this post. i remember he had all the dudes in my hood trying that spin move. i was too amped when i finally got it to work. this commercial is definitely top five sig shoe promo spots of all time. too bad though. the answer 2's were a great follow up to the questions but the line really fell off after their release.

  3. i spent the better part of fourth grade trying to figure out that spin move

  4. ^LOL, cats are still trynna firgue that joint out...

  5. haha super illy post. im a fan of the questions myself but i did at own both of these joints. i used to wanna be AI in like 3rd grade haha.
