Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm mad as fuck at this fat guy. whose name is Chop a.k.a. "Relly":

Why you ask?

This fool started a blog ONLY to post one of the greatest stories, then to never blog again.... WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THAT?! After pleading over and over with this man, he won't write another story for the internetz.

What I need you all to do me a HUGE favor: (let's be real, y'all reading this ain't doin shit right now)

2. Write this as a comment: "Relly, tell us another story you dumbass"
3. Lather, Rinse, and Repeat

Anyways, here's his first story:

"It all started with a trip to philly with Bashir and Smoke. Some of our friends put in orders for some DEEEEEEEELLIIIIIISSSSSSSSIIIIIIIOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUSSSSS PHILLY CHEESE STEAK SANDWICHES. Specifically Ro, Kane, Griff, & Louie. Ro ordered 2, Kane ordered 1, Louie and Griff both ordered 1 a piece. Smoke brought back 10, Bashir brought back 5, not to mention Ro offered to give monies to Bashir for his sandwiches. Ro happened to be out of town at the time Bashir & Smoke hit town with said sandwiches. One of our other friends, Da Deezin, catches wind of said sandwiches being in town, and swindled his way into 3 sandwiches. Griff ordered one sandwich which he PROMPTLY SMASHED with out offering anyone a morsel of it. Somehow it came out that Smoke had brought back 10 sandwiches for his family, Mother, Aunties, Cousins, etc. Griff being the selfish human garbage disposal that he is, cons Smoke out of a chicken boy. ***Recap*** Da Deezin, who didn't order NOT ONE SANDWICH, GOT THREE. While eating one of said sandwiches, Da Deezin stated, "If anyone asked for any of the sandwiches, friendships would be abruptly ended with no regard to past memories of said friendship. Griff, on the other hand, ordered only 1 sandwich and lied & said he ordered 4 for sympathy of only recieveing one, which he smashed, & bit his finger while devouring the said sandwich, got 1 more than he actually ordered. As I'm watching all this unfold in front of my very own eyes, I relize that the people who actully ordered said sandwiches were getting shafted, and would probably not recieve their said sandwiches. At this point, the scouring of said sandwiches are making me want a sandwich myself, but I dare not ask for one at this stage of this treachery that is going on, because my reputation as a young selfish person, which i disagree with, would have been the equivelant of jumping into a den of Hungry Lions. If I were the one involved in this treachery at hand, I would have literally been tied to a cross & crucified amongst this group of "FRIENDS". This is my way of showing all of these opinionated FRIENDS OF MINE their true colors. Quit throwing stones when you live in a glass house yourself. WOW THIS IS AMAZING. Bottom line Ro, Kane, and Louie did not recieve one freaking sandwich. Like I said in the title, With friends like these, who needs enemies. For further notice anything done in my presence will be brought to light. So tread lightly. From this point on, we will all be judged on the same scale. This is my reality...

---Relly "

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