Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm a sucka for IHOP pancakes...they're so good. Anyways, One of my homies displayed champion tendencies and save me 3 IHOP bangers. Sadly, I had no syrup in the vicinity. DAMAGE!!! SO I sat and pondered for a moment, then urge to boss up came over me like a champ. Brought some Golden Bear Pure Honey back to the room and began to feast.

I had to allow my roommate to partake...

There you have it. And to whom it may concern (let's not front, you know who you are), thank you ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Nigga honestly Bob Evans has these pancakes called "Stacked and Stuffed" over something like that, its too pancakes (with sweet cinnamon chips inside) and topped with whip cream, between them is a delicious sweet butter cream! you gotta try em if you havent already!
